Order a MyHeritage AutoCluster report, use Tier 1 tool, “Clusters With AutoTree, Closest to Single Kit Version,” and eliminate clusters that you know are related to an ancestor on the opposite parent’s side. You can also group shared matches using the DNAGedcom Client and Collins-Leeds method or Genetic Affairs AutoClusters for Family Tree DNA and 23andMe. Do you see some of the same ancestors in multiple DNA matches’ family trees? To do this, use the following features at the DNA companies: To find the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of your DNA matches – use the shared matches feature at a DNA company and look at the family trees of the DNA matches. Identifying the MRCA may also involve building a family tree for a DNA match to connect them with the ancestors at the top of the descendancy tree.

Certain programs allow the user to restrict what information is shared, usually by removing information about living people for privacy purposes. Most genealogy software will allow for the export of data in the GEDCOM format, which can then be shared with people using different genealogy software. But there are other tools available to the genealogist, including web-publishing programs, blogs, and research management tools like Clooz and FAMWISE. Most genealogy applications focus on "fact management", meaning they allow you to enter and manage individuals, families, and events. This allows for easier collaboration between multiple users as well as more flexible access. While most programs and applications are "desktop-based", there are a number of new entries into the genealogy software market that are web-based. There is currently a move to incorporate fields for the input of genealogical DNA test results, though this information can be added into the "Notes" field of almost all genealogy software. Some programs are more flexible than others in allowing for the input of same sex marriages and children born out of wedlock. Others focus on the ability to generate kinship charts. Some programs allow for the import of digital photographs. For example, having a field for the family's coat of arms is only relevant if the family comes from a part of the world that uses them. Other programs focus on certain geographical regions.